Nursee uses cameras to understand and interpret activity within a room. The AI watches threads and patients’ conditions. It analyzes real-time footage without recording, ensuring privacy. See more.
Empower your staff with real-time tools to detect falls, monitor bed occupancy, and monitor out-of-room events. Complete insight into the ward’s condition helps reduce the number of tedious rounds and allows staff to focus on the most essential things for patients.
Gain valuable insights into patients’ routines and sleep patterns over time. Ensure treatments progress smoothly while reducing the risk of depression and stroke. Receive feedback to improve procedures and streamline reporting processes.
As populations age, the number of injuries increases. Approximately 684,000 people die from falls every year, and 37.3 million falls are severe enough to require medical attention.
Even before the pandemic, the world faced a critical shortage of healthcare workers. The global deficit of nurses was estimated at 5.9 million, and projections suggest that more than 13 million additional nurses will be required by 2030 to close this gap.
Nearly 30% of ICU patients experience at least one infection. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing threat, responsible for 1.27 million global deaths in 2019 and contributing to 4.95 million deaths worldwide.